Architecture and fashion combine to achieve magnificent distinction. The quality of simple, timeless and functional designs are the focus of the new collection. The new Men’s AW2018 collection includes echoes of LeCorbusier, the precursor of Brutalist architecture. Brutalism was an architectural style that preceded Modernism, and aimed to eliminate convention with designs based on functionalism. Its name comes from the term “Béton Brut” (exposed concrete), frequently used by Franco-Swiss architect Le Corbusier. The minimalist nature of this architectural movement offsets a collection rich in exquisite materials and cuts with a nod to cutting-edge comfort, without forgetting the basic principles of elegant masculine dressing. Massimo Dutti presents its new collection using the names of ten different iconic Brutalist buildings. Each one includes different pieces of the collection, such as Habitat, Robarts, Walden and Pompidou.