Science Museum

A great museum to visit with kids. Its seven floors are packed with educational exhibits on all kinds of topics related to science: from a collection of key pieces from the history of medicine to an exhibition about space with an x-ray telescope. There’s also an IMAX cinema where you can watch 3D science films and the audience can go under the ocean like a real-life submariner or visit the moon like an astronaut. Without doubt, the best spot in the whole museum is the Wonderlab, where kids can become scientists and interact with live shows and experiments.
A great museum to visit with kids. Its seven floors are packed with educational exhibits on all kinds of topics related to science: from a collection of key pieces from the history of medicine to an exhibition about space with an x-ray telescope. There’s also an IMAX cinema where you can watch 3D science films and the audience can go under the ocean like a real-life submariner or visit the moon like an astronaut. Without doubt, the best spot in the whole museum is the Wonderlab, where kids can become scientists and interact with live shows and experiments.
Exhibition Road, South
London SW7 2DD
+44 333 241 4000