Sustainable toys, books, handmade clothes, home wares…everything on sale in this kids’ concept store is so carefully selected, beautiful and different to what’s on sale in traditional stores that you’ll find it impossible to leave empty handed. Each item at Zuckerfrei has four basic features: it comes from Europe (mainly Germany) to avoid long transport routes that pollute the environment, it’s made from quality materials that are renewable and can be recycled, it’s free from plastics and toxic substances, and is made in small factories and family businesses that guarantee the safety and rights of their employees.
Sustainable toys, books, handmade clothes, home wares…everything on sale in this kids’ concept store is so carefully selected, beautiful and different to what’s on sale in traditional stores that you’ll find it impossible to leave empty handed. Each item at Zuckerfrei has four basic features: it comes from Europe (mainly Germany) to avoid long transport routes that pollute the environment, it’s made from quality materials that are renewable and can be recycled, it’s free from plastics and toxic substances, and is made in small factories and family businesses that guarantee the safety and rights of their employees.
Anzengruberstraße 12
12043 Berlin
+49 30 23936107