Now that five minutes on Instagram is enough time to find out how the rest of the world is spending their time at home learning culinary skills worthy of a Michelin star, rereading Dante’s Divine Comedy, making the most of their creativity or taking on new challenges, it makes a refreshing change to hear from some of our favourite ambassadors and share some snapshots from their daily lives or their dreams for the future.
What is your new daily routine?
Well, I don’t stick with one routine, I try to change it every day. What I actually do is wake up early and not get to bed too late, and also do exercise in the morning 5 times a week. That’s what I try to do between yoga, cardio and stretch.
Out of bed but nowhere to go… How to dress cozy, to feel comfy and look fantastic?
I try to wear very comfortable chinos, or sweat pants when I’m home. I live below my father; he lives in the penthouse of the building. While home I try to go with jeans, cashmere sweaters and t-shirts, and when I eat, as I have lunch everyday with my father, I try to dress up a bit. It’s kind of nice to change your outfit to have lunch or dinner, and of course take a shower.
How you are spending your time at home? Your confinement best plan.
Like I said before I try to do exercise every day. We are here with my sisters and my father, we all live in the same building, so each day one member of the family cooks one recipe. Yesterday we had beans and cod for instance, we have cooked meatballs, lentils, etc. We come from a restaurant background, so they know what they do better than me, I’m not such a good cook yet. I try to walk even if I’m home, I walk around while speaking on the phone and keep my mind away, don’t lay in bed with the computer or the phone all day long, for me that helps me.
What’s on your bedside?
Mostly books.

Your favorite windows’ view?
Where I’m sitting right now in my little room, I see my home town Tossa de Mar, I see a little river and the mountain, today it’s blue sky so it’s kind of beautiful. But I’m also missing my v from my living room in London, I don’t know when I will be able to go back to London so we’ll see.
These days at home you miss more…
I miss walking outside, in the rain in London, where it rains a lot, I’m missing that a lot. I miss driving my car, playing golf, going to work, travelling, seeing my friends around, I miss touching people, not only touching but having real visual contact and not only by phone. I miss my house in London, we normally don’t appreciate the freedom we have, now we do appreciate it more. We need to be grateful for what we have, there’s people in worse conditions which makes me think a lot about how grateful we are to be in the position we are, with my family, with a nice apartment, food on my fridge. There is people in hard situations and it will get even worse. So, we can’t complain
A book you always wanted to read and now ( at last) you are reading?
I don’t know if that happened to many people, but it’s very hard for me nowadays to concentrate and read novels. I’ve been reading little poems from Lorca, Poeta en Nueva York, I read the news, I actually read lots of things i usually don’t have time for in my computer, but I try not to read every morning as we are having too much information.
A film you always wanted to watch and now (at last) you are watching?
I just started the TV series La Casa de Papel, which everyone has seen already but me!
What’s the first thing you will do after the confinement
I will take my BMW, and I will drive to the next town and have lunch with a really good friend of mine, stay in the sunshine, and go to the coast, walk by the beach, walk my dog for more than ten minutes. I will try to meet friends that I want to see and not just speak by phone, I will play golf; there’s so many things I would like to do, although it looks like it’s going to take a while.
Share with us your favorite thought for these days at home
I think I pretty much did already, I’m grateful for my position and appreciate what I have, most of all can’t complain