Paper | Massimo Dutti Paper | Massimo Dutti Paper | Massimo Dutti


Inès Mélia is a young artist, painter, sound designer and DJ whose musical creations reverberate in the best Parisian nightclubs. She is one of the fashion influencers embodying and leading a new generation that courts success by sharing their style and inspiration on Instagram.

Photographer: Hunter&Gatti / Styling: Mariola Kugler / Make up + Hair: Paco Garríguez
Production: Lighthouse / Talent: Inès Mélia

Rencontres | Paper, Massimo Dutti

Your Instagram profile boasts the byline “Music & paintings”.
How do you balance those two roles?

Music is my guide for my painting, since I couldn’t paint without listening to music. What I’m really interested in is creating links between colour and rhythm.

Rencontres | Paper, Massimo Dutti

What I’m really interested in is creating links between colour and rhythm.

Rencontres | Paper, Massimo Dutti
Rencontres | Paper, Massimo Dutti


What would a Massimo Dutti soundtrack sound like?

It would be elegant and summery. A blend of the sounds of the sea and the melodies of Henry Mancini.

You’ve travelled all over the world. Where’s home?

I feel at home when I’m with the people I love.

Rencontres | Paper, Massimo Dutti
Rencontres | Paper, Massimo Dutti

What is Le Brouhaha?

Le Brouhaha are sound postcards that I have collected in all of the countries I travel to and that I share on Instagram. These short sound recordings constitute a unique narrative of the world, a different story that everyone can dive into and be a part of. Le Brouhaha is a tool that allows you to “listen to the world”, rediscovering it through sounds big and small. Streets, cities, forests and workshops all have their own sounds that make up a small musical piece expressing their place in the world.

Rencontres | Paper, Massimo Dutti

What is your daily routine like?

It involves a lot of coconut water! 🙂

And what clothing item suits you best?


What’s always in your weekend suitcase?

My phone and USB cards are essential in case I hear a sound I like and I want to record it. Everything else is a bonus!

Rencontres | Paper, Massimo Dutti
Rencontres | Paper, Massimo Dutti
Rencontres | Paper, Massimo Dutti


Rencontres | Paper, Massimo Dutti

A place.

Le Val d’Argan in Essaouira, Morocco.

A smell that evokes memories.

Orange blossom.

Rencontres | Paper, Massimo Dutti


Rencontres | Paper, Massimo Dutti

Le Brouhaha es una herramienta para “escuchar al mundo”, para redescubrirlo a través de sus sonidos, grandes o pequeños. Una calle, una ciudad, un bosque o un taller tienen sus propios ruidos que forman una pequeña pieza musical de su realidad.

Rencontres | Paper, Massimo Dutti

A festival.

We Love Green Festival (

An icon.

Brian Eno

The best platforms for inspiration?

Instagram and Pinterest