‘The painter Ramón Casas commissioned the architect Antoni Rovira i Rabassa to build his studio-home at Paseo de Gracia, 96’.
He was a painter, draftsman and poster designer linked to impressionism who promoted Catalan modernism. A descendant of a wealthy family, he abandoned his studies at the age of eleven to devote himself to what he was most passionate about: art. He began his apprenticeship in Joan Vicens’ workshop, and in 1881, he travelled for the first time to Paris, where he developed most of his artistic career. Upon his return to Barcelona, as a renowned painter in Spain and abroad by that point, he settled into his house — a studio he had commissioned Antoni Rovira i Rabassa to build at Paseo de Gracia 96, the nexus of modernity in the city.
A cutting-edge artist
4.1.1866 – 29.2.1932