Deutsche Kinemathek

This museum is not actually one of the most touristy and crowded of the city, although it is one of the most interesting to visit. It includes all that pertaining to the origins of the German film industry and on the migration of innumerable talents to Hollywood. Entrepreneur cinema, divas of the silent movies era, films of the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich, post-war films and current German films. The main attraction is the personal legacy of Marlene Dietrich, which ranges from wardrobe articles right through to gifts she exchanged with some of her countless lovers. The permanent television exhibition offers a general perspective of the five decades of the history of German television.
This museum is not actually one of the most touristy and crowded of the city, although it is one of the most interesting to visit. It includes all that pertaining to the origins of the German film industry and on the migration of innumerable talents to Hollywood. Entrepreneur cinema, divas of the silent movies era, films of the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich, post-war films and current German films. The main attraction is the personal legacy of Marlene Dietrich, which ranges from wardrobe articles right through to gifts she exchanged with some of her countless lovers. The permanent television exhibition offers a general perspective of the five decades of the history of German television.
Potsdamer Straße 2
10785 Berlin
+49 30 3009030