Paper | Massimo Dutti Paper | Massimo Dutti Paper | Massimo Dutti

Photographer: @daviniapelegri

Now that five minutes on Instagram is enough time to find out how the rest of the world is spending their time at home learning culinary skills worthy of a Michelin star, rereading Dante’s Divine Comedy, making the most of their creativity or taking on new challenges, it makes a refreshing change to hear from some of our favorite ambassadors and share some snapshots from their daily lives or their dreams for the future.


What is your new daily routine?

I’m trying to keep similar routines. But of course, nothing is the same. Due to the nature of my job I’m used to a of kind instability and routine less, having the feeling of always being on call, but this time is different. Now for the best for everyone, we just have to standby.


Out of bed but nowhere to go… How to dress cozy, to feel comfy and look fantastic?

Basics always work. Cotton Chinos, a cotton t-shirt, a cashmere sweater and white sneakers. These fine fabrics when they are broken down have that patina give the most comfortable and stylish look.


How you are spending your time at home? Your confinement best plan.

I not an expert chef, and I not much fond of virtual exercise… But I like to do handy things around the house, work on little crafts on wood, sanding this old bench or chair that was neglected and now has a new life keeps my mind busy. Imagination is our best ally these days.


What’s on your bedside?

An orchid plant, a book and headphones.

Postcards From Home. Oriol Elcacho

The Pyrinee´s mountains


Your favorite window’s view?

The Pyrenees mountains


These days at home you miss more …

I miss our runs with my wife the mountains, I miss the laughs with friends with a glass of wine. This human connection that now we are lacking make me think of the small important things in life.


A book you always wanted to read and now (at last) you are reading?

Sapiens A brief history of human kind, Yuval Noah Harari

Postcards From Home. Oriol Elcacho



A film you always wanted to watch and now (at last) you are watching?

I’m reviewing classics of the 80’s, simple beautiful stories where heroes where not Marvel.


What’s the first thing you will do after the confinement?

I have a short list, but definitely spend a day out in the mountains, and reconnect with those I miss.


Share with us your favorite thought for these days at home

I hope we will keep words like: Empathy, generosity, elders, hope, togetherness, family, environment, sustainability… Hopefully they will stay in our vocabulary and not leave.