Our collaboration with Claudia Knoepfel, one of the most influential international fashion photographers, brings spring energy to daily wear looks. In this exclusive story, she adopts outdoor fashion outfits while sharing a few moments with her young daughter, taking on the role of guest editor for Paper’s special Mother’s Day issue.

MODEL MOTHERS with Claudia Knoepfel
May, 2023

When did you start in the fashion industry and how?
I studied at the ‘Hochschule der Künste in Zurich’, assisted an editor at Vogue Paris and then became a photographer.
What is your fetish garment?
At the moment it is running gear.
MODEL MOTHERS with Claudia Knoepfel
May, 2023
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Spending time in nature with my family, with my daughter; we love being outdoors, walks in the forrest, hiking mountains, snowboarding. And trail running is another passion of mine.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Spending time in nature with my family, with my daughter; we love being outdoors, walks in the forrest, hiking mountains, snowboarding. And trail running is another passion of mine.


MODEL MOTHERS with Claudia Knoepfel
May, 2023

What is your most distinctive feature?
Stamina and resilience.
What is your motto in life?
Every day you get a new chance.
MODEL MOTHERS with Claudia Knoepfel
May, 2023
What is your best source of inspiration?
There isn’t a best one. it can be anything: from life to art.

What is your best source of inspiration?
There isn’t a best one. it can be anything: from life to art.